Katarina and Shelby got married on THE perfect fall New York City day. The type of day you can only dream of being your wedding. Not a cloud in the sky, perfectly sunny, not too hot, not too cold. They both got ready at New York City’s iconic and classic University Club of New York. […]
Engaged Brooklyn couple, Ashley and Dan, celebrate their engagement by going back to the places in Williamsburg where they fell in love on a beautiful summer evening. Their first date ended at Brooklyn’s famous Van Leewuen’s ice cream shop during the pandemic, and their dating relationship unfolded walking the streets of Brooklyn. We walked, talked, […]
When I saw you first, it took every ounce of me not to kiss you. When I saw you laugh, it took every ounce of me not to fall in love. And when I saw your soul– it took every ounce of me. -Atticus
And her heart was the best part, it would always calm the storm for those who were afraid of a little rain. -R.M. Drake On our way to the ceremony it began to pour buckets of rain the way it does in New York City summers: completely out of nowhere not cognizant of our plans. […]
There’s a look that can only be given between people that have gone through life together over a span of years. It’s a look that says I know you, I see you, I choose you, I am by your side for the long haul. I see glimmers of that look between the engaged couples I […]
You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known. –and even that is an understatement. -F. Scot Fitzgerald P.S. I think everyone should have a wedding week. They’re sorta the best. Thanks Rodrigo + Lindsey for having us! XO, Kat Thank you to an incredible team in St. Thomas: The […]
These two are cool cats. Really though. Brynn is a lifestyle blogger in NYC + Aaron is an amazing videographer that travels all over the world to create. Together they are this creative ball of energy, and so much fun to be around. They recently got engaged in Paris (ummm…way to go for that one […]
Jason and Lauren are two individuals that care deeply about the world around them. Their lives are a continuos flow of generosity, intentionality, and adventure. And together as a unit they are world changers. Love inspires, love creates, love moves, love invites those around you to live in a more purposeful way, love has the […]
It’s been quite the year here in Brooklyn. Each month I love learning the ins + outs of this unique + artisan cove of New York. What I’ve learned is that Brooklynites like all things artisan + all things local! I got together with a lovely team of Brooklyn Wedding Vendors + we created the […]
Last December when my sweet from Emily + her husband Aaron were visiting from San Fran they stayed at this old seminary turned hotel in Chelsea. I was instantly intrigued, and upon exploring the space with Em + taking our Christmas card pics there for our fashion blog I knew without a doubt that The […]