Matthew and Karlin just might be the most fashionable real life people that I know. (On top of that they’re both from the South, and are the sa-weetest people you will ever meet in your life). However, as I was packing for my trip to spend the weekend with them in their home state of Georgia I was a little intimidated by their awesomeness. BUT…as soon as I stepped foot off that airplane and Karlin picked me up in her Prius with Drake blasting on the stereo, I knew it was going to be a fun weekend.
Karlin and I met several years ago when her and Matthew modeled for a shoot I produced in Atlanta. We became fast friends via the phone and texting, but never actually met in person. Karlin is an incredibly interior designer and brought me out to ATL (shawty) to photograph her head shots for her new website. As soon as I got in that car full of Drake, and drove off from the airport we started talking, and basically didn’t stop until the moment I left a few days later.
We had so much fun eating yummy southern healthy fried food, going to Sid Mashburn (I could honestly live in that store), talking about boyz, drinking red wine, cuddling with their puppies, and taking lots and lots of pictures. Here are a few of my favorites that I shot of her and her wonderful husband Matthew.
STUNNING. I love them one and all